King Charles III - Defender of the Faith

King Charles III - Defender of the Faith History of the Monarchy Christianity has long been part of British history and of the monarchy, the accession and upcoming coronation of King Charles III are tied to deep traditions many of which are drawn from Christian faith. Traditionally Alfred the Great from the 9 th century is considered the first English King, though there is no official record of any coronation. King Edgar's coronation in 973 occurred in a Benedictine abbey, being anointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, setting a precedent that every British monarch followed. In 1066 William the Conqueror was crowned on Christmas Day in Westminster Abbey, a site with a link to Edward the Confessor. Apart from Henry III, all subsequent coronations occurred there. Coronation and symbolism The coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953 was marked by its public exposure via television, an approach the late Duke of Edinburgh was responsible for, though the moment of anointing...